Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Making Gluten Free Pizza and Shopping at Aldi's

I bought a box of Chebe Gluten Free Pizza Mix at an area health food store (if driving forty miles can be considered local).  The instructions to make the crust look pretty easy and the ingredients needed are stock items so I"ll be making it for dinner this evening.  Hopefully my loving family won't make gagging noises or ask for a can of soup instead. 
If there was any way I could have avoided this I would have. But finances took a down turn and to save money I started shopping at Aldi's. If you have one in your area you probably know that it's a low cost self serve grocery store.  I wish I had started shopping here sooner.  Their ingredients labels are very clear and they are very good to label "gluten free" and "lactose free" on a lot of their products.  They even have a frozen meat dish by Bremer that is gluten free.  There are six mcribs with sauce in the container.  Pop it in the oven for 45 minutes and my family thinks they're getting a treat! 
I also got two packages of rice crackers a couple of weeks ago from Aldi's.  The only problem is that some items are seasonal or a one time thing.  Which was the case for the rice crackers. 
Just remember to take a quarter to put into the cart (you'll get it back when you turn the cart back in) and your own grocery bags.  They charge a nickel or dime per bag. 
I"ll post a photo of the pizza and give it the Robert's family rating in the morning. 

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